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WebAsOne UI Design

WebAsOne UI design aims to help users to have entire proto-type websites in minutes. Next is to use the management website to fine-tune. 

UI Design website is a drag and drop. Currently, there are more than 1400+ draggable blocks. WebAsOne is a continuously improving platform. The process of adding shared blocks or personal blocks is easy. The system is ready for thousands of asone-blocks which is the easy part.

Users can create unlimited pages, each with up to 8 blocks. There are five shared blocks.

Quick intro video. ui_intro

There are two groups.

There are 1070 draggable items of 1, 2, 3, 4. 6 column blocks.
For design, jquery plugin, svelte, Vue, blog, rbac, google API, web apps, colors.

AsOne Block: Layout column blocks

Type At management server Type At management server
text TinyMCE editor image Upload, resize, and use ImageMagick to transform 
imagetext TinyMCE and image processing panel Bootstrap 4 card
svg Use svg-editor tab Bootstrap 4 tab
slider Bootstrap 4 carousel code Use codeMirror to enter Html/CSS/js/PHP code
youtube Embedded youtube youtubetext Embedded youtube and TinyMCE 

Every AsOne Block: Layout can select its background: image, SVG, video, or colors.

AsOne Block: Design

Type Desc type Desc
Theme Colors About 140 color themes. Type "color" to search. Website background image or video. Type "background" to search.
Shopping Cart Opencart, Sylus, Vue Shop, Mini Cart. Type "shop" to search. Design Type your desired string to search. i.e., quote, table
JQuery Misc jquery plugin. Type "jquery" to search. svg SVG related. Type "SVG" to search.
Panel styling Bootstrap 4 panels styling. Type "panel style" to search. Svelte Sevelte related. Type "svelte" to search.
Yii Yii2 RBAC integrated. Type "yii2" to search. Blog Symfony, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap 4. Type "blog" to search.
Dynamic block Randomize the first 2 or 3 blocks. It could be used for A/B testing. 
Type "dynamic" to search. This must be the last of the home page design block.
Misc Google map, mail, contact form. 

Current name list Default, Icons, and Format. Search string: 1m,1-editor-{templateName}. The list will increase a lot. The templates are TinyMCE templates.